Buy Back Event - 5,000 Buy Back Direct Mail Campaign

US$7,500.00 US$7,000.00

Customer base "CALL TO ACTION" generating a 1 for 1 Event. Keeping your lot filled with retail trades while producing car deals and gross profit!πŸš˜πŸ’Έβ£
5K Piece Database Direct Mail Campaign (Suggested to run over a Thursday - Saturday OR Friday - Sunday to see your best results!⁣
- Scrubbed Customer Data to filter out any duplicates as well as any customers who have purchased in the last 3 years.⁣
- 1st Class postage to expedite delivery which boosts your open rate and response rate!⁣
- For a HUGE event add our Gifts/Grand Prize of $30K Cash or $30K Vehicle!⁣
- Add a director @ $1,000 per day to truly see the full potential!